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Best Sorcerer Subclass


10 Best Sorcerer Subclasses for D&D 5e


Updated March 11, 2024 by Jenny Melzer

Sorcerers are often considered one of the most challenging classes to play effectively in Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) 5e. However, with the right subclass, they can become a formidable force on the battlefield. This article will explore the top 10 sorcerer subclasses in D&D 5e, providing insights into their unique abilities and playstyles.

1. Draconic Bloodline

The Draconic Bloodline subclass grants sorcerers access to powerful dragon-themed spells and abilities. They gain resistance to certain damage types based on the type of dragon their bloodline comes from, and they can cast spells like Chromatic Orb and Dragon's Breath.

2. Wild Magic

Wild Magic sorcerers embrace the unpredictable nature of their magic. They have the ability to cast spells with random, chaotic effects, making each encounter a unique and exciting experience. This subclass is perfect for players who enjoy rolling dice and embracing the unknown.

3. Divine Soul

Divine Soul sorcerers draw their power from a celestial or infernal source. They gain access to healing spells and radiant or necrotic damage options. This subclass is well-suited for players who want to play a sorcerer with a strong connection to the divine.

4. Shadow Magic

Shadow Magic sorcerers specialize in dark and eerie magic. They can cast spells like Darkness and Silence, and they gain the ability to manipulate shadows to their advantage. This subclass is perfect for players who enjoy playing stealthy and mysterious characters.

5. Storm Sorcerer

Storm Sorcerers have a natural affinity for the power of storms. They gain resistance to lightning and thunder damage, and they can cast spells like Thunderwave and Call Lightning. This subclass is ideal for players who want to unleash the fury of nature upon their enemies.

6. Celestial Warlock

Celestial Warlocks derive their power from a celestial patron. They gain access to healing spells and radiant damage options. This subclass is well-suited for players who want to play a warlock with a strong connection to the divine.

7. Fiend Warlock

Fiend Warlocks draw their power from a fiend patron. They gain access to spells like Hellish Rebuke and Fireball. This subclass is perfect for players who enjoy playing characters with a darker or more sinister edge.

8. Great Old One Warlock

Great Old One Warlocks make a pact with a Great Old One, an ancient and mysterious entity from beyond the known universe. They gain access to spells like Dissonant Whispers and Phantasmal Force. This subclass is perfect for players who want to play characters with a connection to the unknown.

9. Archfey Warlock

Archfey Warlocks forge a pact with an archfey, a powerful and capricious creature from the Feywild. They gain access to spells like Charm Person and Misty Step. This subclass is perfect for players who want to play characters with a connection to the realm of nature and magic.

10. Seeker Warlock

Seeker Warlocks are driven by a relentless thirst for knowledge and power. They gain access to spells like Detect Magic and Identify. This subclass is perfect for players who want to play characters who are constantly seeking out new secrets and experiences.

