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Amazon Locker Purdue

AmazonPurdue: Amazon's First-Ever Staffed Customer Order Pickup and Drop-Off Location


Amazon recently announced the grand opening of AmazonPurdue, its first-ever staffed customer order pickup and drop-off location. The new facility is located in the Purdue Memorial Union at West Lafayette, Indiana.

Features of AmazonPurdue

AmazonPurdue offers a convenient and accessible way for students and community members to pick up and drop off their Amazon orders. The location is staffed by Amazon employees who are available to assist customers with their orders and provide support.

The location features:

  • Self-service package lockers for quick and easy pickup
  • Staffed counters for order pickup and drop-off assistance
  • Secure package storage

Benefits for Students

AmazonPurdue is particularly beneficial for students at Purdue University. With its convenient location and extended hours, students can easily retrieve their orders without having to wait for delivery or travel far from campus.

The location also offers a secure and reliable option for students to send and receive packages, whether they are ordering textbooks, dorm essentials, or other goods.

Impact on the Community

The opening of AmazonPurdue is also expected to have a positive impact on the surrounding community. The location provides new employment opportunities and enhances the convenience of online shopping for local residents.

By reducing the need for home deliveries, AmazonPurdue can also help mitigate traffic congestion and environmental impact.


AmazonPurdue is an innovative and customer-centric initiative that provides a convenient and efficient way for students and community members to manage their Amazon orders. Its features, benefits, and positive impact on the community make it a valuable addition to the Purdue University campus and the wider West Lafayette area.
